Wordless Wednesday - I wear my sunglasses at night

Posted by Steph , Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:35 PM

ALL summer long I have been trying to get D to wear her "COOL DUDE" glasses. She hates sunglasses of any sort and would just take them off and throw them. Of course now that the weather is cooling off she wanted to wear them all night.

Baby Carrier - Boba giveaway

Posted by Steph , Monday, August 23, 2010 3:38 PM

I love participating in giveaways, and I love winning giveaways. This is the first giveaway I'm announcing on here, however it's Familylicious' giveaway for a Boba baby carrier which you can find HERE . I just discovered this carrier and I want to try it SO much! I have a framed carrier I use for now, but I would love a soft snuggly one DESIGNED for bigger little ones! You can read all about the Boba at their website. Even if I don't win the carrier, it will be on my list of upcoming purchases!

Kawaii Diapers!

Posted by Steph , Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:00 AM

My birthday was the end of July, even though it seemed like just a couple days ago. And I got the BEST present!! I won a $50 gift certificate over at Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique I was so excited I sat right down to order my diapers even though everyone was waiting on me to go out. I had heard a lot about Kawaii diapers and couldn't track them down, so I was beyond excited when I saw them over at Sweetbottoms. They were on the inexpensive side, and I got free shipping because I live in the US. Not only do they make my wallet happy but they are SO cute! I got D the Minky Brown Cow print in snaps for under $12! I stocked right up on them, and waited for my order. They arrived in under a week and I ordered at 10pm on a Saturday. All the Kawaii's I ordered came with TWO microfiber inserts. I've had problems with the other diaper's I've tried but just two Kawaii inserts in ANY of my diapers and D is set for the night. And she is a VERY heavy wetter. I can't say enough good things about these diapers. They have a wonderful print, super absorbant inserts, very inexpensive and good quality. I have a couple with velcro closures and I have had none of the problems I'm having with my other velcro diapers. The laundry tabs are tough, the velcro is tough. I don't have any problems with laundry chains or the velcro weakening. Wonderful Wonderful diapers. These make up the majority of my stash and are the first I reach for. I have had 2 "Oh No we forgot a spare diaper and it's going to be 4 hours" emergencies and both times they held up wonderfully with just the one insert. I'd recommend these diapers the everyone I know!

And Beth over at Sweetbottoms is wonderful! I've been pestering her with question upon question and she always has a speedy and helpful response. Her items are competitively priced and you just can't go wrong with free shipping. I bought a jar of the Coconut Oil to try and use on D's rashy bum and it ran me under $10. I can't get it for that off of Amazon for that price! You just can't beat quality items, speedy service and wonderful customer service. If you haven't checked out her site yet, what are you waiting for? Hop on over to Sweetbottoms website and peruse for a bit!

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Steph , Wednesday, August 18, 2010 2:41 PM

Sorry I've been MIA lately. It's been crazy at my house these past couple weeks. I just started working out of the house part time, and my Stepdaughter, L was up for the first visit ever! It's been a whirlwind. In addition, my peanut, D, got evaluated for Early Intervention for her gross motor skills and is going to be getting therapy. Just the little bit they did with her during the evaluation has jumped her skills tremendously! She went from not standing to standing every now and then, getting up from the floor to a standing position, and has even taken a few steps!! So here are some photos of our crazy month

 D and L at the Childrens Museum in Boston. They had SO much fun together!

 Swinging on the swings, yup, that's me pushing!

D showing off her new talent, and clapping for her. Yaaay! (I know she's in a sposie, YUCK!)

Now that the hectic-ness is hopefully over, the blog will be back on track!